Thursday, January 22, 2009

Susans 911 Chicken Canneloni

This recipe was created out of necessity.

It started as something else but sort of flopped!

The first thing I did was put a nice big chicken in my crock pot to cook.

My intention was to let it cool then shred it so that I could make some shredded chicken just like I made a few posts back with beef.

Everything was going as planned until it was time to cook my shredded chicken.

I diced and sauteed an onion, some red pepper, scallion and garlic. and

I added a small can of tomato sauce a bit of chicken broth so that once I add the chicken it can simmer gently.

I seasoned it with salt, pepper, parsley and cumin.

Well as I stirred this meat in the pan it began to fall apart and get mushy.

No that is no good for shredded meat -to be pulverized!

I also knew that if it didn’t look like shredded meat I would never get my husband and mother in law to eat it!

This is where plan B was born…

The meat concoction that I created tasted wonderful- so I had to present it to my family

a different way.

I took out a package of manicotti shells and boiled them until tender but not falling apart.

I made a béchamel sauce and also took out my package of shredded mozzarella and parmesan cheeses.

I put a layer of béchamel sauce on the bottom of my pan and began stuffing my shells

with the meat.

Once they were all full and nestled into their place in the pan I poured more béchamel over them and sprinkled with mozzarella and parmesan. A

light sprinkle of paprika gave them some needed color.

They baked in a 350 degree oven until bubbly.

I served them with green beans and a baked potato.

It was delicious and no one knew that it was supposed to be something else!


Mary Bergfeld said...

You are a very clever gal! Very nice recovery.

Cristine said...

Impressive! Great job!

Meg said...

This looks beyond delicious!

A Slice of Concentrated Love said...

Thank you. I'm always looking for something different to do with chicken. If you ever try that again though, add some cheese to the Bechamel (turn it into a Mornay sauce basically) to give another layer of cheesy deliciousness. But I'm addicted to cheese :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice save! I love canneloni and is often a labor of love for me. Your's is beautiful.